
Oct 09, 2022 15:18

It is the 9th, heading into the second week of October, and we do not have our Halloween decorations up.  *sigh*  Our reliable neighbors had their elaborate display up on October 1st.  It is the long weekend so maybe I'll be motivated tomorrow morning.  On this beautiful autumn day in our nation's capitol I am waiting for Zacky while he is playing on his golf team.

My current romance trop obsession is "reformed playboy" but I am also fond of "opposites attract" or "class differences."  I made my way through a series of cowboy romances and the ones I enjoyed the most included a ranch hand (him) and a veterinarian (her), and a ranch hand (him) and a school teacher (her), with the twist is that he is dyslexic.  I have developed for some reason a strong aversion to the first person POV which cuts out probably 75% of the romance e-books on Kindle Unlimited.   The only first person POV books that I can say I actually finished *and* enjoyed are Make it Sweet by Kristen Callihan and Anyone but You by Jerica MacMillan.  Otherwise:  *shudder*

This holiday weekend Z and Mo went on an overnight family camping trip so I had a blissful 24 hours of my own time.  But I was glad when they came home.
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