its the "sweep you off your feet, butterflies in your tummy" kind of thing...

Nov 20, 2004 00:43

spongebob rocks YESSSSS
nikki,derek,scottie and i went and saw the new sponge bob movie tonight and it ruled. yes, i just said ruled...straight up 5th grade style yo. anyway, the movie was cute, i wont give anything away for all you sponge bob fans out there. :-) so in case you havent heard, nikki and derek are an "item" now. she asked him out last night. yep, they're adorable alright! ahhhh im so happy for her! speaking of happiness...things with scottie are going awesome..but nothing new there. every time im with him it just makes me realize more and more how lucky i am to have found him. i love knowing that theres someone out there who is willing to put time and effort into a relationship to make me feel loved...and better yet..the feeling is mutual, which makes things so much more awesome.i love him SOOOOO not even gonna try to explain it...*sigh*... well i think ill leave you folks with that for now, i shall return within the next couple of days i do believe. and until then...i love you all...

dont buy the Opera Torte from starbucks...a whole waste of $3.50...i mean, for that i coulda bought a bag of marbles, two lolly pops, some stickers and gummy bears for all i know....SHITTY.

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