(no subject)

Apr 06, 2009 19:40

All of my scaredness was gone. I like him and I wasn't afraid of anything. Why? Because he had proved to be a genuinely good guy. One of the rare ones. Now that we're dating, he seems different. It's probably just me, but before he would text me sweet song lyrics and tell me he missed me. Now he hardly texts me and instead ASKS me if I miss him. My brother says its nothin, I'm just overanalyzing it which I am...I even asked HIM about it and he said he already has me so he is just comfortable and doesnt have to try to catch me anymore. Which is plausible for a guy...it sounds like a typical guy response. And when we're together in person everything is great and he's not distant or anything. I'm just being a girl I guess and I need to stop.
I've also become scared. His longest relationship isn't for very long...that should say something shouldn't it? Then again it doesnt matter because I'm already dating him.
It's weird...in some ways he reminds me of different people:
he reminds me of my dad in that he is very polite and a gentleman and always looking out for me...
he reminds me of David because he is ALWAYS making me laugh and my jokes don't measure up to his. SOmetimes I say the most stupid jokes to him that aren't funny at all and its only because I'm still nervous around him.
he reminds me of of Matt in that he plays acoustic guitar and can sing. He's played for me twice now. I liked it.
he also reminds me of an old friend Ryan from high school, because of his voice and the way he says things...and how sweet he can be/is.

I'm sure there are others...but for now thats all I got. His musicality reminds me of Luke though, because he is always showing me good stuff.

None of this made sense, but hey...at least I feel better.

Moral of the story: DON"T OVERANALYZE!
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