Well, last night was interesting. Most of the time Sean and I go out to spend some time alone with each other, and yeah sometimes we do the whole touchy feely thing like all teens do, but for some reason after we kissed and held each other close last night. We both had heard god talk to us about these things. So when he got home he called me and told me that what I was saying about the whole touchy feelin thing that I was right. We shouldnt do that. God didnt intend anything like that for us. Not until we get married. I really feel that we shouldnt have those feelings or put or selfs in the positions to be tempted to do that. He told me I was right and he feels the same way too. Just think i was waiting 8 months for him to say that. Now that he did I have so much more respect for him. Today he come over to my house and brought me to work. Right before we left the house. I gave him a really big hug tellin him how happy I am to hear that come from him, and that I see him as a whole different person. i dont know what it is but I have never ever been this happy!!! I am so glad God answered my prayers about our whole situation. But no matter what happens I will always be with him I love him with all my heart and the last thing I want to happen is have my heart broken. And i pray everyday that it doest get that way. Oh and by the way here is a really sweet picture of him and I.. I know he wanted to keep it ont he down low but I am so proud of this picture and so proud of him. and I want to show everyone how much I love him.
Here it is.. If you look to the left of the picture you will see a ray of light.. Just think that is god right there shinning his light on us and blessing us with love.
He is the greatest person I know. He listens to me and he talks and treats me like a human. Never in my life did I have someone treat me as great as he does. Just look at the picture and then tell me that is not true love.