[music| Ronnie Day - "Written at a Reststop" ]
I wish people would stop telling me what to do or how I should feel. They don't know what I'm going through. Jenna's the only one who could know, but even then it's not the same.
I know I love William and I know he loves me more than anyone else in this world ever will.
But things are complicated...There are some things that I just can't live with. Does he really think that going over to Iraq and taking part in the war is going to solve anything? Man does not have the ability to end suffering or war. Only Jehovah does.
I really want Will to maybe listen to my beliefs, and maybe see that there's some logic to them. Maybe asking his to start studying is a little farfetched, but I can dream can't I?
I wouldn't really want him to anyway. Because I'd be very skeptical if his heart was really in it. And if it wasn't then it would really hurt me, because he wouldn't have the personal connection with Jehovah God that I'm trying to get through my studies.
I wish I could just talk to Will. We need to stop playing myspace tag.