Pop Disaster.

Jun 18, 2009 19:00

Today I had a pretty good day. Even though I didn't do anything. I still liked it.

I talked with my brother a lot today. Talked about everything from high fashion to our cousins. We took a walk, too. And it's mega super hot outside, just so you know. Oh! And we watched America's Next Top Model. (:

I think it's funny how diseases or world disasters become fads. Fads! Like, cancer for instance. In the early 2000's, supporting and raising money for cancer was all you ever heard about if you were in any way connected with the media. And before cancer, it was AIDS. And those were big deals. Most recently, it's been helping children in Africa and such. All these celebrities going over there to help out and stuff. Of course having cameras follow them. But I guess that really isn't a bad thing. I mean, if you were sincere about the cause, it'd be pretty cool to have a tape of it so you could show people, or watch it whenever you got old or something. Anyway! It just seems like all these things are being used as trends. Y'know, I'm not even saying that these people who help out with those causes aren't sincere, because I bet they are. But I'm just sayin' that it's kinda, well, stupid to only act on the situation because it's popular.

I think the next trend will be the whole anti war thing. Because a lot of people are into that whole put-a-peace-sign-on-my-myspace-because-that's-what-everyone-else-does. And honestly, I'm not saying that everyone who does it doesn't care, but most of them don't. And they're into the "Make love, not war." "I'm a lover, not a fighter." And I find it funny when those same people end up getting into a fight the next day, ya know?

Point to this rant: Disasters shouldn't be trends.

Annnnnddd now, I've just been reminded of Lady GaGa, 'cause me and my brother discussed her, too. What I think she did was look at Britney Spears and Gwen Stefani and go, "That's it! I've got it!"


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