I went over my phone contract this month. By £230. Dad was not impressed. I don't really know how I managed it, other than long distance relationships are hard, and we spoke everyday for an hour. Woops. Dad is giving me the silent treatment. I'll have to dig into the savings to scrape together enough cash to pay him back. Also, my laptop is dead, the charger doesn't work. :-( such a bad day. Dad literally shouted at me for half an hour. I'm sure it'll be fine.
I had a fab day yesterday anyway... I was starting to get sick of the family. Couldn't go anywhere without everyone asking what I was doing, for what reason, and how long for. Gets a bit claustrophobic! Anyway, after he finished work, my boyfriend came up, and then after hanging out with my family for a bit, we both went to his family. His uncle has a Boxing Day tradition of all hanging out. It's my first Christmas with them, and let me tell you, it was INSANE! Complete polar opposites to my subdued family. I drove up to his house, and then realised that I simply had to consume copious amounts of alcohol in order to fit in, never-mind cope! Left my car there overnight, and collected it this evening. Last night, I got in at like 1am, passed out on the living room floor, woke up again, put the remainder of Love Actually on, then marvelled at how the room was spinning. My nephew and sister were all sharing my room that night, so sneaking up to bed without making loads of noise was very hard!
A great night, everyone is so welcoming :-) feel like part of the family already ;-)
I hope you all had a lovely Boxing Day... Do you guys have traditions too?
Anyway, I'm quite tired. So might get some shut eye now. Love you all :-)
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