Hey luchi, good afternoon lazy ass! How was orientation? It's 12:20 right now and I'm stranded here until about 12:30. It's cool though, I'm kickin' it w/ Daniel in the library. Hey, guess what, I met mini Darryl today! He's pretty damn cool; ask me later if you're cornfoozed. Anywho to answer your what if's, which I laughed out loud at in the library thank you very much: 1)maggots in sweet 'n' sour sauce (I like s-n-s better than marinara) 2)sermon on Sunday of course (not all of us plan on being a stripper to pay for college!) 3)get hit by car (shit, I'm scared of heights) 4)box of cigars (according to your cousin they taste really yummy) 5)beaten w/ a stick (I can't imagine having to put up w/ kids like us) 6)prostitute (subbing may be cleaner but whoring around is probably a lot more fun; just a guess. Maybe we should ask "whores don't get a 2nd chance?) 7)curl my bottom lip (it won't last forever. I don't know about you but I can't regrow my ear) 8)smell like a skunk (That's what prescription deoderant is for) 9)no boobs @ all! (After about 6th grade I'd just get fake ones) 10)teeth bashed out (Hellooo dentures! Who needs teeth n.e.ways) 11)the size of a pencil b/c it would be pretty hard, excuse the pun, to find a chick w/ that butternut one dontcha think? 12)Kenny G (obviously b/c i don't like Yanni) 13)Alarm sound (Hey, whatever gets the middle child more attention works for me) 14)Donate a kidney (I only need 1. right?) 15)Martha (even though she is a criminal I'd just report her and get child support payments. Plus, lord knows that she wouldn't be flirting w/ my boyfriends or vice versa) 16)357 lbs. (big girls need lovin' too damnet!!) 17)dumb as a stump (what the hell would I do if I had nobody to talk too? That's what school is for) 18)ew! neither! Shoot me now maybe. If I had to I'd probably put them in my mouth and then spit them out @ somebody!) 19)Attached to my mom (That would hurt when I threw the softball if I chose the other one. It might get ripped out?!) 20)Diapers (Me & my kids could poddy train together) 21)Probably, the urine snow cone. (I'd just have to get extremely drunk off my ass first!) Well kid, I'm late to meet my Papa so laterz! #8
1)maggots in sweet 'n' sour sauce (I like s-n-s better than marinara)
2)sermon on Sunday of course (not all of us plan on being a stripper to pay for college!)
3)get hit by car (shit, I'm scared of heights)
4)box of cigars (according to your cousin they taste really yummy)
5)beaten w/ a stick (I can't imagine having to put up w/ kids like us)
6)prostitute (subbing may be cleaner but whoring around is probably a lot more fun; just a guess. Maybe we should ask "whores don't get a 2nd chance?)
7)curl my bottom lip (it won't last forever. I don't know about you but I can't regrow my ear)
8)smell like a skunk (That's what prescription deoderant is for)
9)no boobs @ all! (After about 6th grade I'd just get fake ones)
10)teeth bashed out (Hellooo dentures! Who needs teeth n.e.ways)
11)the size of a pencil b/c it would be pretty hard, excuse the pun, to find a chick w/ that butternut one dontcha think?
12)Kenny G (obviously b/c i don't like Yanni)
13)Alarm sound (Hey, whatever gets the middle child more attention works for me)
14)Donate a kidney (I only need 1. right?)
15)Martha (even though she is a criminal I'd just report her and get child support payments. Plus, lord knows that she wouldn't be flirting w/ my boyfriends or vice versa)
16)357 lbs. (big girls need lovin' too damnet!!)
17)dumb as a stump (what the hell would I do if I had nobody to talk too? That's what school is for)
18)ew! neither! Shoot me now maybe. If I had to I'd probably put them in my mouth and then spit them out @ somebody!)
19)Attached to my mom (That would hurt when I threw the softball if I chose the other one. It might get ripped out?!)
20)Diapers (Me & my kids could poddy train together)
21)Probably, the urine snow cone. (I'd just have to get extremely drunk off my ass first!)
Well kid, I'm late to meet my Papa so laterz!
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