Jul 29, 2004 20:48
Last night I went to Scottsboro to swim with mormons from all over! It was a lot of fun, even though I got there an hour late because I had to wait for band to get over. I saw some friends I hadnt seen since youth conference, and I had fun just going on the drive. David, Jim, and I came up with some arm circle verses on the way home, most of them were stupid though (i.e. "These arm circles are whack, so lets do them to the back!").
Conducting music for 160 people spread out across an entire football field is a lot different than conducting for 10 people standing right in front of you. I learned that lesson yesterday.
Yes I am a Kerry/Edwards supporter. It bothers me when people look at me like I'm insane for feeling that way, and then when asked why they don't like Kerry, they can't come up with reasons. A moment I will never forget is when some AP HISTORY STUDENTS proceeded to debate about the election in the following manner:
"Kerry for President!!"
"How can you like Kerry?? He's so stupid!"
"Oh..no way! Bush is just like...way...not cool."
and so on and so forth. I don't care if you like Bush or not but educate yourself, don't follow the crowd. I would pick Kerry over Bush primarily because Kerry has been a soldier. He has gone into battle, and he has seen the horrors of war. He will not send our troops and risk their lives unless the cause is just, and he will fight for peace. I hate war. Bush is too quick to fight. And going to war in Iraq did not make us any safer from terrorists. Anyway I know a lot of people disagree on my stance on Iraq so I'll stop, but let it be known that Bush has never gone to war, he has not seen war.
Band is good for me, all else is evil. Allison won't be there tomorrow so you are all under my control muahahaha!