Apr 11, 2006 18:32
Sooo i haven't updated since like 1974l... so heres a little preview of my life:
- Me and Michael had our 2 year anniversary in February... we've had our ups and downs but i love him so we always work everything out
-Spring break was pretty good. i worked a lot and made some mulah annd got to see my friends
-went to the Quabbin High school ROTC ball with michael and amanda!! it was fun for the most part.. then we went to heathers and had some fun!!!
-lets see.. hmm.. school has been flying by
- i registered for classes on Friday. i got most of the ones i want but i couldnt get into biology which i need to take but westfield is gay
- i picked my room for next year! i'm rooming with my friend Jenna.. shes cool so all of you will have to come stay over next year!! we're living in courtney hall which is a lot nicer than the one im living in now. it's a party dorm so there will always be something to do.
-Michael is all done pledging with his fraternity!! YAY!! it took up way to much of his time so thats good! he becomes an official brother on the 22nd
-His fraternity had a beach party on saturday. it was ok.. i got sick so i didnt drink at all : ( but in a few weeks theres a principals and school girl party.. so yea.. im gonna get druunk
thats pretty much it. theres 4 weeks left of school so thats good!! i can't wait for the summer. im trying to get a new job so let me know if theres any where good to work!!
sooo good bye.