Apr 05, 2007 16:33
We also have a tendency to want what we don't have, and even when we do get what we want, we often sabotage it. The simple reason why we can't be entirely happy is because we don't know ourselves or what we're actually searching for. All our doubts, worries, and inhibitions can keep us from loving another and being part of that persons life. To turely be ourselves requires breaking through the limitations we've imposed (or let others imposed) upon us. And if we then focus our energy outward, we'll find love.
-Sylvia Browne
All of you.
The present planetary alignment could sweeten your day considerably when you are invited out for a meal with someone elegant and well informed. This is just the way that you like to spend time: wining and dining in the company of one who is delicious to look at, and who also has a lot of influence. Even better news: you will find them extremely likeable, as well. Enjoy your lunch.
so in point, brunch was absolutely free....and wonderful. 0=]