Some overdue pictures, and an update.

Feb 20, 2009 22:43

Yes, today is rest day for me. I don't care if I have loads to crap to get done, Friday is Me Day and I will exercise my right to have time for myself. I think the reason why I was so tired today was because I slept at 3am in the morning. Don't ask me why I did that; I felt a little guilty for not doing work during the week so I got down to really doing what I had to do. No more of that, that's for sure. Coffee might be your best friend when wanting to stay up late, but it's not your best friend when the body catches up to the energy level. I don't feel so genki anymore.

Anyway, college life really begins next week, and my timetable is heavy like BM on a bad day. So I guess I'll only be able to update like once a week now? Hahaha. None of my CG mates know I keep a Livejournal yet, so that's not such a big loss. I do miss writing nonsense here though, and posting random pictures of sixty million cats that my family loves to pick up and care for.

Alright, pictures from camp! The Great One was awesome enough to flickr her photos so you all can see my classmates in HD glory. :D


Yes we had this game where you had two pails full of water and you had to use any means necessary to get the water into three different bottles. I offered my shoe. Hence, shoe becomes wet and does not dry until dinner much much later.

Yes I'm a Hawker. Not those people who cook at food courts, but the ones who wear bright yellow as their house colour.

In random order: making flags/ getting our hair wet/ blinded Hamid.

I ♥ 09A06! (:

Okay that is all. First time I see my own posts got so many pictures. o.o
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