Jun 30, 2004 20:57
Wonderland presents...
Today we got a few complaints about guests being harassed by some people and their smoking in the queue line. Smoking is not allowed in that confined area. So Ashley went over and politely asked them to stop smoking and not to bother the other guests. Did they comply? Fuck no. Instead they became angry and irrational, obviously. So Ashley tried to deal with it and said to Hell with this when they made it to the front. We let them ride, of course they misbehaved on it, all the while security made their way down to us. Rather fast too. 5 guards came to deal with the ten fools. The security guards were scarring the shit out of them and chewing them out in the crowd hoping to get one of them to say something. Nothing after a bit, so Ashley has a friend in Guest Services who is a Blue Collar. He is a security guard/manager who is being trained in school as an actual police officer. He got there and right off the bat just read them their rights.
One girl yelled, "Your not a real fucking police officer!"
Ashley's friend, "Actually, yes I am. Here I am an actual officer."
Girl, "What are you going to do arrest us? Do you have a cell or something?"
All this time they have been and still are threatening peoples lives, so....
Ashley's friend, "Three actually, and your all going there. Dufferin police have already been dispatched and are on route to pick you up."
That is right. We have a jail and they got sent to our slammer so the police could pick them up. And police did arrest everyone of those cocking sucking pricks. My only regret was I was not going home at that time, because I could have put on my jacket and be in civilian clothing. Being off work I could do as I want, and I would have pointed saying Nelsonish, "Ha ha!"
Today totally and utterly fucking ruled. We have more power then people think, it is awesome.