Sep 14, 2005 21:03
I knock kids for "fighting the power" and "evil corporations" usually because they are tools or hypocritical about it. But I think their on too something. In two days I've been fucked in two directions.
DIRECTION 1: Rogers.
I had my school account suspended for summer, because I have their sketchy service at home. School rolls around and being poor, and not sure if I will be getting a job on campus, so I ask if I can suspend it more. Apparently they can't do anything to help you, because God forbid they bend the policies to make you happy.
An aside note: There is laws that basically sanction their ass fucking, and legally you can't do anything about it. But it will change soon.
So, I say well thanks for sucking I'll cancel for now then. So I go the next day or the day after to have the account canceled, and they do. So yesterday night I get an e-mail:
Your rogers bill is ready.
It better not be.
Well it is. 50.60
And the ambiguous e-mail tells me it's basically for clicking a mouse button.
I like how my rogers bill says I owe them cash, for no fucking reason, and then tells me how much money I saved. Saved on what? Not having the rake all the way up my ass? For every inch we don't shove this rake up your ass, you save money?
Of course I called them up and got their fucking computer controlled voice system:
"Our speech system can help you with anything."
"No it can't."
"You're now at the main menu."
"What the fuck?"
I get some cocky asshole who refused to scrap the fee.
I gritted my teeth and threw the phone. Don't worry, that phone saga is far from over, I get nastier each time I deal with them. If I left my rage boil, it'll be an awesome explosion.
After that fucking Rogers epic I went to see if I still had the money my mother gave me to pay it off. So I look over my VISA to see what I owe. I have a fucking purchase interest charge. I had nothing on my VISA until 8 days ago. JUST a day over a week and they are charging me fucking interest. WAY TO FUCK THAT UP GUYS, one more asshole who gets me on the phone and a massive FUCK YOU from Ken because he wants me to pass that on.
AFTER ALL THIS HAS OCCURRED MY LAPTOP HAS FUCKING DIED. The OS has corrupted itself in key ways and I can't even describe what a fucking round-about way I need use to get at marginal stuff. This is my key laptop I use for all my work. Now I am fucked, because it'll take a minimum of three straight days to format it and get it running again do to some bullshit in Win 2K that causes it to crawl, min 10 minute boot times and 4 minute app launch times, I timed it, before SP 4 is installed. Plus all the software I use and data restored and preferences returned. Not to mention how I can't really fucking boot this laptop with more then one drive. Either I have a floppy OR a CD-ROM drive. It's fucking magical. So this weekend I am forced into that bullshit.
All-in-all I have never been more fucking angry, my only tool for school and daily work is unusable, and I'm being charged retarded fees which I may never get out of.
I hope every employee at all these companies CHOKE AND DIE
That is all.