FINALLY! I've only been stalking this dress for weeks now (since I first mentioned it here) but haven't been able to buy it because it's so rarely available anywhere near my size. There's not even a brick-and-mortar within 500 miles that has this dress in my size. This morning, I win. Not only was it in my size (think-hope-pray) but it's also 40% off AND was the ONE available for purchase. It'll be here next week.
Can't wait to try it on. That's one thing I can check off off my long-term to-do list: find dress for A+E's wedding this summer. Here's hoping I have to get it altered because it's a little too big by then. This just totally made my whole day.
p.s. I think it's funny that this journal is sometimes an extension of my Facebook status updates. LOL! Oh the joys of social media fulfilling its potential...