Doctor, Round 3

Aug 31, 2009 18:27

Darn it. I *finally* stopped putting it off and went to the doctor today to have a physical. I don't think I've been inspected hair follicle to toenail since just before my parents shipped me off to college to never return home again. Interesting discovery about myself today - I'm a doctor's office snob. There's just something about the doctor's office being nice and shiny and modern-looking that puts me at so much more ease. Dr. C's office reminded me way too much of a hospital setting...

Which made me think of the last time I set foot into a hospital. Which reminded me that I got a letter from my insurance company late last week congratulating me on being 3 years incident-free and how I'd be eligible for accident forgiveness if I manage to keep Homie playing nice on the road for another two years. Which reminded me of the one time Homie's been in a real fender-bender. Which reminded me of my ex (the moron who ran my VW into a SUBURBAN and never paid me back for the deductible I spent getting my car fixed). Which made me angry because he owes me a shit-load of money I'm never going to see. Which made me relieved that I left his ass and hoping that he rots in his second-tier life.

Anyway, so NewDoctor's office just felt so cold and impersonal. Like I was going to have a number stamped on my forehead and be barcode-scanned at any moment. The people weren't exactly that way, but it did feel a little churn-and-burn to me. Anyway, NewDoctor is definitely not what I'm used to. I'm also kind of a baby when it comes to the doctor. I wouldn't say that I need to be coddled...but I need for them to be gentle. What can I say - I'm sensitive. She was friendly but blunt and very direct. I was so thrown off by this whole experience, I was kicking myself on my way to work afterwards because I forgot to ask her about the very thing that really prompted my visit in the first place: my seemingly-insatiable appetite! I could eat this laptop right now with a side of barbeque sauce and still go casing the fridge for a little nibble. This has been going on for months and it's weird and foreign to me. But I guess she'd have just ordered the same bloodwork and stuff that she ended up ordering anyway, so it'll reveal itself one way or another in 2 weeks. Either something's wrong with me or I'm just greedy as hell.

I also got my updated Tetanus shot today so now my arm hurts. I'm just generally feeling weird and unwell. Methinks my body is trying to make up it's mind as to whether or not to fully commit to the cold/sinus-y thing I think I'm on the edge of catching. This in combo with the tetanus shot makes me just want to sleep the rest of this day off. At least I have a pretty yellow band-aid to match my yellow shirt?


doctors, health

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