Aug 29, 2009 09:50
-My roommate is late with his rent check and it's jacking everything else up for me. At this point, I've gone from being "well...whatever" to being really annoyed about it.
-Things w/the new contacts are good. After I left there yesterday, I picked up breakfast at this awesome little cafe around the corner. Made me wish I had more reasons to be up in Marietta so I can go there more often. Nomnomnom
-(Gah, this is going to sound so 13 year old) I was leaving work yesterday and ran into this guy that I have a crush on. He did something really funny and I declared myself a winner...and we both laughed our arses off. It was the highlight of my day.
-I haven't heard anything about the YPA I'm thinking I wasn't accepted. I'm a little bummed, but maybe I should have taken more time with my application? If it was truly that important to me, I wouldn't have played around so much instead of focusing on getting it done and I would have had it in earlier rather than waiting until the last possible second.
-So...I got a very interesting phone call last night from this guy that I used to like. And afterwards, I spend a little while admonishing myself for even allowing him into the Ticasphere again for even a minute. I thought I'd sworn off people that I felt like were trying to use me? The last time I talked to him, I felt like he was trying to pump me for info. And the time before that, it seemed like all he wanted was to hook up with me. I'm over the whole random hooking-up phase of my life, so he's SOL there. I guess I picked up his call last night thinking that, if I let enough time pass, things might be different? He was okay for about 95% of the conversation last night but towards the end, it was pretty clear to me that he was trying to get an invite over for some play time. How obnoxious. I am more than a (ginormous) pair of boobs, a mouth, and a vag!
Trying to stay out of trouble,
ETA: One more thing - DJ AM. I feel sorry for his family for their loss...but that's about the extent of it. That's not meant to be cold, but I'm not sure who the heck the guy is beyond the plane crash last year and I guess he used to date Nicole Ritchie? I also don't understand the references to Final Destination in relation to his death. I get that he was one of two people who survived that plane crash, but I don't think OD'ing on drugs justifies the Final Destination tag.
in the news,