0.05 [Audio]

Mar 05, 2010 18:32

[There's the sound of the communicator being fumbled with, and soft child noises of frustration and curiosity.]

[Then Don speaks, voice very, very young; an uncertain stage whisper and wavering like a child at the end of his ropes. The words muffle halfway through as he accidentally puts his thumb over the mouthpiece]

M-master Splinter?

[Long pause, ( Read more... )

then it all explodes, -bass, gdit physics don't work like that!, -april, -ironhide, event, it's because i'm the purple one isn't it, i want my father

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iwitnessdamsel March 6 2010, 02:37:04 UTC
Whoa! Calm down. It'll be okay. Just...calm down.

Splinter's here. It'll be okay, Donny, I promise...



tic_tech_turtle March 6 2010, 02:39:29 UTC
[Don meeps softly. Strange person!]

He is, really?

Oh...o-okay. I am calm! I just-


How do you know my name?



iwitnessdamsel March 6 2010, 02:43:07 UTC
Sorry, I didn't--

I didn't mean to frighten you with that. I'm a friend.

[She doesn't know why you don't REMEMBER THIS FACT, but freaking out at a child won't do them any good.]

Master Splinter, your father, and I are--we're good friends.


tic_tech_turtle March 6 2010, 02:47:41 UTC
I don't know you.

[Don's voice gets very small, but he sounds stubborn. Don-stubborn.]

I'm not friends with you; I can't be friends with someone I don't know, after all, and Master Splinter doesn't have friends. Especially not with you. That means you're lying.

You probably don't even know Master Splinter.


iwitnessdamsel March 6 2010, 02:51:30 UTC
No, I do. I really do. He, uh...

He saved my life! With his ninjitsu.

[Dammit, Don, you were supposed to be here for her--you and your brother's were supposed to know how to handle this weird stuff, that's why she was in your room earlier! And totally had plans of going back!]


tic_tech_turtle March 6 2010, 02:53:49 UTC
...[sharp intake of breath]

You know about ninjitsu?

[Yes, well, if Don weren't four he'd apologize. As it is, he still doesn't know if you're going to vivsect him or not.]


iwitnessdamsel March 6 2010, 02:57:55 UTC
I just--I just know what Master Splinter's told me about it. Other than that, I'm just a normal New Yorker.

I'm not...a bad person, Donny. Okay? You don't have to be afraid of me.

...I'm, uh...I'm April.


tic_tech_turtle March 6 2010, 02:59:43 UTC
April? Why'd Master Splinter tell you about ninjitsu if you're just a normal New Yorker?

[because that means you're The Enemy]


iwitnessdamsel March 6 2010, 03:53:23 UTC

Well, I was...kinda freaking out about the fact he was a rat, and he told me his story to calm me down. He trusted me, and I don't exactly intend to break his trust.


tic_tech_turtle March 6 2010, 03:55:19 UTC

You're not supposed to say that in front of people!


iwitnessdamsel March 6 2010, 03:57:28 UTC

Sorry. Sorry, you're right. Sorry.


tic_tech_turtle March 6 2010, 03:58:47 UTC
...Just don't do it again, kay? Please?


Why were you scared that he's a rat?


iwitnessdamsel March 6 2010, 04:03:21 UTC

This is...this is embarrassing, but...rodents...kinda...scare me?


tic_tech_turtle March 6 2010, 04:04:17 UTC
Master Splinter isn't a...a "rodent"!

He's my father.


iwitnessdamsel March 6 2010, 04:07:17 UTC
No--no, honey, I know he's your--look, rodent is another word for...what Splinter is. Y'know. That word I shouldn't say where people can hear?


tic_tech_turtle March 6 2010, 04:21:35 UTC
...Master Splinter said humans won't understand us, and they'll try to hurt us 'cause of that.

Did you try to hurt Master Splinter?


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