Weird dreams and shit

Aug 24, 2008 04:49

Well first some back ground... Fay knocked out our power including water,phone and internets at two in the morning two days ago. As those of you who know me are aware I have a wife from alaska and a two and a half year old daughter, Neither of these girls handle the heat at all well both of them get physically ill from over heating... its florida here and fucking hot and humid. So we had to make a call that is a kin to selling off your soul to the devils in darkest hell... only this is real lol.. We called my mother in law and asked her to pay for a hotel for a few days and she did it and suprizingly wasnt too grumpy about it...I am waiting for the other shoe to drop there though.

Any way its our second night in a hotel on the northside where we live anyway. I have been up for several hours now because of a repeat dream and sleeping poorly before that. any way here is the dream....

I wake up to hear knocking on the window my wife and daughter dont stir and for some reason that didnt strike me as odd even though they are very light sleepers. I get up and walk to the window pull the curtains aside to look out and there is a very angry looking man pounding on the glass...

He is close to the same height as me very dark skinned with tatoos that cover his arms and neck but I cant quite remember what they looked like other then that they made me think gang His hair was rolled in very very tight neat dreadlocks and I remember thinking he would be handsome if not for the look of hatred and fury on his face.He is almost as big as I am though built leaner and very muscular I cant remember how her was dressed it wasnt important just generic clothes and a gold chain around his neck.

I try and ask what he wants but he keeps yelling and screaming like he cant hear me, He is saying that no one should be here and its his room and that he is going to kill us all... He smashes through the window and steps over the A/C unit still yelling and making threats. I stand there trying to calm him down as my wife and baby still dont wake up. I yell to my wife to wake up and call the front desk (why the front desk and not the cops? it was a dream it doesnt have to make sense) Any way then I reach for my long knife sitting on the table just as he reaches for something in the back of his waist band. At this point I wake up with my heart racing and shaking with reaction to the adrinalin rushing through my system.

I sat up in bed breathing hard for a few minutes before I could convince my self it WAS only a dream and laid back down. I went back to sleep shortly after my pulse and breathing returned to something closer to normal. Almost exactly an hour latter I woke again with the same dream nothing was diffrent... it took me a bit longer to go back to sleep this time but I managed it. a long story short I had this same dream tonight five times before giving up on sleep. I almost never remember my dreams but this one fucked with my head pretty good so I went and took a long hot bath and read some of the sparhawk book I brought with me from home. Still unable to sleep when I got back to bed I booted up the computer and here I am writing this simi coherant badly spelled and only partially punctuated crap.. I am waiting for the hotels free breakfast in a few hours so I will probably just sit onliine fucking off and give up on sleep for the night...I need to get into a fight to relieve some of this stress since sex in the same room as my two year old would just be weird and thats about the only other stress relief I can think of any way hope you are all sleeping better then I am!


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