Huzzah motherfucker!

Sep 04, 2003 00:41

Yeah, still alive.

New icon though.

Got a crash-course in PS skills this weekend, figured I'd do somthing simple. Was trying to completely mod the (_pathetic_)graphics used by my salvaged multimedia keyboard. Did a nice job too, before I found the *.exe hacker proggie I was using has a write limit without registration. Failed attempt; Gained Photoshop use.

So I plod on, same keyboard, different problem. You see it's one of those unnecessarily extended keyboards with CD/DVD controls and a volume dial, for those of use too lazy to reach the extra 8" to use the speaker volume control. Hush. The trick is, the media controls do NOT work for anything other then the primary CD/DVD player. You can't re-direct thier use to other things... like Winamp for instance. Dug up everything I could dreg up on the config program, it's registry entries, the company it came from, and other relevant info.


The godamned thing won't play anything else despite how I beat and cursed at it. ("Swear" really WAS my first programming langauge)I Found out I could remove spyware functions I had no idea it had until looking for info about it's player function. Ripped out a useless internet ticker that came packed in with the keyboard drivers. (yeah, I've got a portfolio... It says "Trapper Keeper" on the front.) But sadly, The player controls will ONLY play CDs in the drive. I can't think of a more banal way to enjoy media on a contemporary computer sans an 8-Track tape player modded for a 5" drive bay. Failed attemp 2; Gained intimate knowledge of registry function, design, and modification.

Putzed around with people who were in the mood for new bicycles, to get rid of cabin-fever. Wound up seeing a HOARD of Nokia cellphone faceplates, shiny buttons, and some other goodies. On clearance. For about $2 a pop. Nifty, I don't have a Nokia, but I got a glowy antenna anyway figuring I could mod the thing slightly. At the time, I ran down the purchase-justification list built for such occasions:

1)EDIBLE? I doubt it.
2)NEED IT? Umm... no.
3a)FEEL UP TO IT? Yes, or I wouldn't be thinking about the purchase, stupid subconscience.
3b)INSTRUCTIONS INCLUDED? Yeah... just not for my purpouses.
4)COST EFFECTIVE? For frivolity, this $2 can go a long way.
5)DUMMY FACTOR? Wha-what the hell is that!?
5a)I MEAN ARE YOU FORGETTING ANYTHING? No! I checked the box! It's says it's designed for CDMA networks, Sprint is one, there's a good chance this'll work.
5b)SO, YOU ARE UNSURE? Alittle. But, $2. No real loss.
5c)UM-HMM. Look, the damn Kyocera I'm using doesn't, effectively, have an antenna unless it's extended, if I can get this thing installed I won't LOSE funcationality... just not gain any, either.
5X) GET UP JASON! YOUR WORK'S NOT DONE! What the fuck, you're not even part of MY subconscience.

Yeah, well. The antenna fit my phone fine after tweaking. Didn't glow worth a damn though. Failed attempt 3; Gained silly-looking static-free phone.

Three failures. Completely missed my targets.

But I can now make my own poorly hacked fan icons, fudge up my computer's function with confidence, and listen to people without that warm background hiss of whitenoise.

Success doesn't seem to matter near as greately as just trying, for what you get out of it may be greater still, then you dreams.

However my aim is SO off I'll now attempt to be the next Pope...

I figure I'll come out of it with people throwing money at me for no reason.

Love ya's ;)
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