Nov 04, 2003 22:02
Okay take two.
I'd like to poll folks for what drives them. Gets them out of bed in the morning, helps with decision making, ect.
I feel lost, and would appreciate inspiration.
And sometimes the shear determination some people can muster (seemingly) at any time scares/confuses the bejesus outta me.
Ya bastards.
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Honestly, what has driven me over the past year+ are the following things, with the reasons.
Post Ginny Break-Up: Forgetfulness. If I was waking up and working, I wasn't thinking about her.
Post accepting Break-Up: The need to move into a better place in the world.
Dani time: New girl, I yearned for her to be proud of me. It's odd to think like that, but in all things I crave acceptance. By having my new girlfriend see that I am a hard working individual, I am cementing myself in her life.
Currently: The future. I've finally come around to wanting my dreams to come true. You and I have talked about the A->Z problem. A is the big idea. Z is the money. And then there is all that shit in the middle that if it wasn't there, it would be a whole lot easier. I'm putting in my B C D E et. I got out of my house out of personal force, without the ability to pay for a place on my own. I then built the ability to pay rent and exist.
Dani and I have decided on future endeavors.. I now wake up every morning with the thought process in mind of every hour I work is another amount of money going towards those dreams.
Wake up and realize that by doing so, you are bringing yourself closer to comfort. Closer to your dreams. Even if it's a shit job like working retail or at a bank or temping or whatever.. use it, like it's using you.
You are right.
Thank you.
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