20 things about me

Apr 13, 2005 18:34

1. I wasn't happy when I was a child
2. I have 2 phobia, frogs and to vomit
3. I eat my foot fingernails
4. One of my dream is to have a dog
5. I love uniforms : men wearing military uniforms, and for women, nurse and school girl uniforms
6. When I'm anxious, I pray
7. I'm always afraid that people don't love me or think I'm stupid.
8. I love receiving gifts and making gifts too.
9. I'm totally addict to internet, shopping, nicotine, phone and cheese.
10. I'm afraid by death.
11. I love to take the plane.
12. I'm lazy... very lazy.
13. I'm strongly against death penalty.
14. When I was a teenager, I was in love with Georges Michael and I was sure he was straight.
15. I would like to have more self-confidence
16. I have a driver licence but i don't know to drive.
17. I love sleeping because I dream a lot and most of the time my dreams are more interesting than my life.
18. I'm proud to be redhair
19. Right now, I think I'm in love with 2 persons
20. I don't know what would be my life without my passion for dolly.
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