Happy Birthday Titus !

Apr 04, 2005 09:09

First Name : Titus ( Read more... )

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Aly story.. proximityseams April 5 2005, 05:01:31 UTC
:( we don't know what day him & Nive were born (we got them from Hanley Saddlery pet shop). we got them after term started at college, which would have been in September, so it was maybe some time in October in 1990, but obviously they were born a few weeks before then.

Michael (my x bf/housemate/friend) & i were going past the store, & we didn't usually go in there, but we did & there were these 2 tiny B&W mewling kittens. one of them (Aly i think) looked really runty & they were in a cage which was lined with wood shavings, & i think Aly had a gungey eye because some of the wood chips had gone in it. Nive was all cute & fluffy & i knew someone would see him & pick him instead of Aly.

they were so cute & i felt so sorry for them stuck in this horrible cage, so i called my mum to ask if we could get them (i had a cat - Kizzy from age 4 to 16, a gay couple in the village i live in were breeding blue persians, but a wild tabbly got in & impregnated the female, so they had a litter of boy tabbys & a white girl cat. Kizzy was a tiger striped black & brown tabby. when he died my mum & i were devastated & my mum vowed not to have another cat).

anyway, my mum she said no & i cried on the phone *L* though it was genuine because i wanted them, felt so sorry for them & didn't want to see them split up. eventually she said we could get them, but i didn't have any money with me, so the people at the store said they would hold them for us until the next day, & so we travelled back to Hanley (which is 8 miles away) on the bus the next morning & got them, then took them home on the bus in a carboard box.

they meowed & cried all the way home & when we got them home we found out they couldn't keep any food in, because the pet store had been feeding them this gross food which was like proper fish chunks. it was going right through them. they were tiny, *really* timid & kind of sickly for a while.

PS: i saved the photos of Titus! me, my Mum & Aly all think he rocks! :)


Re: Aly story.. tibiloo April 5 2005, 08:06:13 UTC
What a cute story ! Poor Aly, you save him. I hate those shops where pets are in cage !!!
A friend of a friend had 2 bunnies, a girl and a boy. The bunny girl got 2 little bunny boys, Titus and Crapule. As I had lost Oscar, my friend gave me Titus and took crapule with him. So Titus always stayed in a family.
He re-saw his brother last year but as Crapule is not castrated, he jumped on Titus thinking Titus was a lady !


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