(no subject)

Apr 03, 2008 00:39

This post from my friend really concerns me. Not her response to the situation, but the situation itself. I'm not sure how I'd deal with being told that I had to trap, transport, and kill a possibly rabid animal which had stumbled into my backyard, and I don't have two small children to think of. All in all, I find it worrisome.

Last I knew in California, or at least in L.A. county, animal control will still come out and dispose of possibly rabid animals, or at least point you toward exterminator companies prepared to deal with the animals, depending on the animal. Still, I think I'll now check. I may not have children, but I have animals, even if we try not to let the cat outside.

Anyway, given this story, I encourage you all, particularly all of you who have wildlife wandering through occaisionally, to check out the local resources and regulations related to this problem, and to make some appropriate noise locally if you find those resources and options inadequate in your area.

wtf, friends, practical politics, links

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