Two interesting projects

Feb 28, 2008 14:43

1) Project Budburst is run by the National Center for Atmospheric Research, and asks people to sign up to note when, in their area, certain kinds of plants bud, flower, and fruit. We've discussed before how I am so totally not a gardener, but I know some of you out there are. (Or are busy birdwatching or doing other things which mean that you end up spending a lot of time looking at plants along with whatever else you're looking at.)

2) A petition to get the American Friends Service Committee to nominate Pete Seeger for a Nobel Peace Prize. Personally, I was probably influenced more by Peter, Paul, and Mary, but I agree that Pete Seeger is probably the best person to nominate to exemplify the Peace Movement and the music which popularized and spread it. At 88, he's still touring and working on causes and singing songs which make people think and hope and care.

peace, gardening, activism, music, plants, projects, links

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