Mega Bitches Have Feelings Too

Aug 31, 2015 10:00

HuniePot introduced Audrey(NSFW) in HunieCam Studio and she's back with a vengence.

Audrey fans unite! Your queen is back and she hates you more than ever.
- HuniePot (@HuniePotDev) August 29, 2015

I can imagine the moment the player had to confront her about the cheating.
Player: “A pink love fairy made me do it.”
Audrey: *grabs the player by the face and slams him into a wall*

It's dissapointing that the common excuse of "a pink love fairy" was legit for the first time in history.

A majority of people will say HuniePop is pure garbage but I think there are a few life lessons in it when you account for a Hunie games timeline. One lesson is that cheating is terrible. Audrey’s backstory is so sad. If you knew in advance that Audrey would take hard drugs to cope with her heartbreak, you would take a step back and not sleep with several other women.

Who am I kidding? You’re using fairy magic. The date grid should be abused without hesitation. It has only one purpose, to exploit women. POWERTRIP!!!!!

I apologize. Power corrupts and fairy magic corrupts the innocent heart of men. To summary this post, mega bitches have feelings and only you can prevent cheating.

random, nsfw, huniepot, video games

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