Mar 30, 2010 22:48
So I was reading booksnchocolate's LJ (I don't know how to tag people here, and maybe I don't want to) and it was interesting. It was my sporadic rando babbles on nothing but regular rando babbles on stuff. So I'm a gonna give it a try.
Today we won both our Reach games. I felt really special because I got both "Who/what am I?" questions at thirty points and the thing about Blondin and some other stuff. But yes. I suspect that we will die in our next tournament thingy. God. Why can't I sound as nerdy-cool as booksnchocolate? This idol thing is failing.
Hmm. What else? Oh. Happy Passover. That was a sort of fail. My fuzzy wuzzy cuzzy texted/slept throughout the Seder and wouldn't come on our traditional Jappy walk to Starbucks, so I went solo and managed not to get lost in the wilds of North Toronto. I bought a medium peppermint tea. The girl behind me had super straightened hair and a designer wallet and ordered her drink in the Starbucks lingo. *judgement*
I'm going to go away now.
Guten nacht.
Hugs from the Tiber Valley! xo
reach for the top,