Feb 01, 2004 21:34
New Law, You don't need the whole team to be present for a coin toss: There were I think 6 captains for each team and 2 "honorary" captains. I have one question. What the hell is the point? Just play the game!
New Law, If there was no half time show, we could all go to sleep 35 minutes sooner: Why is there a half time show? It completely messes up the game. If you noticed, the scoring only took place in the 2nd and 4th quarters. You wanna know why? A 35 minute half time! Just let the players have their normal half time break so there isn't a huge momentum slash to the game. Cut that stupid half time crap out.
And finally, New Law, Advertisement variety is GOOD: I can sum up the categories the ads fit into in 4 subjects:
1. CBS Crap
2. Beverages (Pepsi and BEER)
3. Dumbass Car commercials
4. Boner Drugs
Holy crap, that list is actually correct. In every commercial break there was one of each of those ads. It's okay that CBS was advertising themselves, they can afford to with 2.3 bucks per 10 seconds, Damn. I now hate Pepsi for suggesting that they caused Jimi Hendrix to take up guitar. I will never drink a can of Pepsi ever. And you know, Beer commercials were Beer commercials, what are you gonna do about it? I personally hate car commercials because 1) They chop up my favorite songs, 2) Chris starts ASSOCIATING those songs to the car commercials 3) I can't remember what goes to what 4) They all suck and they're all the same. And finally, the other ad category. I could say a lot about these ads, but I choose not to. Basically they're really stupid and mock everything that is good.
In conclusion, that list above can tell us who the target audince is:
Middle Aged Men
Good night everyone.