Late Morning Shows= Crap

Apr 04, 2004 00:15

Like I said before, I've had a lot of stuff lined up to talk about, but I'm too lazy to actually execute them. This post about Morning shows was inspired by my trip to Florida. Yeah I forgot to write about that, but whatever.

I don't really watch early morning shows, like Good Day America and the one on NBC with Katie Couric. THat's not what this is about. This is about the crapfest of shows that come on after that. Do you know why it's a crapfest? Because nobody watches them! That's how you end up with dumbass shows like "Living it up with Ali and Jack". Who the hell are Ali and Jack? I've never heard of these people, and how are they living it up?

"Living it up" was on when I was eating breakfast, and I couldn't really hear, but from what I saw it blew major ass. I checked out their website to see who these people were ( and I found out that their only real clame to fame is their show. Sure they've been on other stuff, but I still maintain that nobody has ever heard of them.

Who watches these shows? Since these shows are on from like 9-11 AM (soaps and judge shows come on after that) working people can't watch them. And unemployed loser males are sleeping late, or watching HBO if they're smart. So the only people that leaves left are housewives (most have other stuff to do) and people who are travelling and get to enjoy a continental breakfast at 9:45 AM. But people travelling are probably watching something important like CNN.

So basically, the reason crappy shows are on TV, is because there's nobody to argue them off the air, because there's no audience! It's bulletproof! So if you're travelling, and the hotel attendant leaves ABC on for too long, ask them to put on CNN, and smack them if they try to put on Fox News.
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