May 30, 2006 13:26
Tech fest was fun. It's a shame that Allegra couldn't stay. I know that I don't I bobbed and swayed. I was armed with my glow sticks, so I messed around with those too. There was a group of people who were spinning glow sticks on strings and I'd only ever seen Trisha do that, and she even admited that she wasn't that good at it, so I was really impressed. It was so cool to watch. We sat and watche a break dancing battle too. We bougth 15 double cheeseburgers for a homeless couple that Trisha and Troy had befriended. Fun fun fun.
I was planning on going to school today, but I fell asleep before I went to the bus stop, and I didn't wake up until, like, noon. There was really no point in me going today.