I cracked...

Sep 12, 2005 01:29

So...I did it. I finally wrote something that could actually (well, mostly) be considered "fan fiction". I did it partly because the idea's been in my head for a long time, and partly because I wanted to have something on my fanfiction.net account, even if it is mediocre.


I apologize in advance that 1) it's pretty much all dialogue (shocking, I know...) and 2) the dialogue style is kinda shaky. Nevertheless, I give you:

Category: Fairy Tales
Title: What's to Come
Genre: Fantasy/Romance
Rating: T
Summary: Sleeping Beauty finds her dreams of a handsome young prince interrupted by a mean old hag, who shows her what she can really expect of life as a princess. Based on Charles Perrault's "A Sleeping Beauty in the Wood."

URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2576077/1/

So there you go.


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