The National Gallery

Sep 08, 2005 22:13

Things I learned in the (*short*) two hours I spent at the National Gallery this afternoon:

1) I. Love. Rembrandt. And have come to the conclusion that he is my favorite artist.

2) I have to go back. Two hours is not nearly enough time to spend in a place like that, and I didn't even get to the room with the Ver Meers in it! (Have discovered I have a certain fondness for Dutch paintings in general, by the way.)

3) Remember how I mentioned the connection in Dutch Renaissance art between birds and sex? Well it turns out that at the time, the word for bird was actually a slang term for sex. And the world makes sense again.

And...I think that's about it, actually. Sad, eh? Certainly reinforces the fact that I need to go back.

Or I could just go to all the other art museums in London...


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