Life is good

Mar 18, 2009 17:45

We got home from Berkeley a little after 1:00 this morning. Unlike my husband who had class at 9, I got to sleep in. Naturally I had such freakish dreams between 9 and 11 that I kind of wished I hadn't, but ah well. It's a beautiful day outside, and I've actually been productive! I've done grocery shopping (I love grocery shopping, and right now it's the only kind of shopping I get to do where I can actually buy things--also, I love Sunflower Farmer's Market on Wednesdays. Even if it is more crowded) and I've done laundry (though now that I think about it, that load probably needs to come out of the dryer soon) and I've sent emails (one more left) and I've gotten dinner in the over AND I've done dishes. I also surreptitiously moved the freaky golden children statues down to the storage room. Haha.

Oh, and we decided we're going to Berkeley. ^_____________^ I finally admitted that it's where I really want to go to school (my wonderful husband finally told me to pick the school I really wanted--reminding me that the school is really what we're picking--and he's with me whatever I choose). Also, they've all but guaranteed me funding. And by funding I mean a slightly smaller stipend than Duke, but still tuition and fees and health insurance and $21,000 a year. All that needs to happen for a guarantee on the money is for one funded person to decide to go somewhere else. And there is always, always at least one.

So they'll be in touch soon.

So life is good even if I'm less than pleased about dealing with realtors and such. I'll get over it.

We're moving to California in June!

life-altering decisions, grad stuff, good times, berkeley

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