And that's what I would call splurging...

Jul 30, 2007 15:02

I have successfully avoided murdering any children in the last week, which is pretty good, considering. Still in Texas at my sister's house keeping track of her four children, ages 8, 7, 5, and 18 months. The one-year-old, Blue-eyes, is absolutely adorable, and the other ones are probably cute enough when you're not yelling at them. Ah well.

But today my mom and I got a break from the kiddos thanks to the fact that their dad is now home (he and my sister were gone on a 10th-anniversary thing for the weekend) and not going to work today because he's not feeling too well. My sister is in Dallas until Wednesday, so with her husband home we rather jumped at the opportunity to go out. OUT OF THE HOUSE.

We ended up at Ross, which I have decided I love, and where I got a pair of jeans, a pair of shoes, three tee-shirts, and a jacket that I pretty much adore. Oh, and another cd case, since I'm outgrowing all the others. Had Pei Wei for lunch (mmm, honey seared pork), then couldn't pass up a store called Half Price Books (for obvious reasons), and walked out of there with a nice 1930-something hardbound copy of Ulysses (I do not hate James Joyce, no I don't), volumes 2-4 of Rurouni Kenshin ($3.98 a volume! Dude!), and a 2-cd set of Rachmaninoff performing...a bunch of stuff.

I have managed to get a little research done, as well as reading Rasselas and finishing The Picture of Dorian Gray (I love Oscar Wilde, yes I do). I attempted to start A Tale of Two Cities but my brain couldn't handle it, so I'm putting it off for now. Shall pick up Ulysses instead, and in between chunks of it will probably insert some Canterbury Tales.

Ah yes, my life is fun. And I am now officially pining over UCLA. It is sad. V. v. sad. But at least it's incentive to keep reading until my brain is a puddle of grey mush!

(Oh, and if you're on Facebook, I have adopted a baby wallaby who is named Percy and is pretty much the most adorable thing you've ever seen. Please pet him. He needs love.)

BG in eight days. Wally home in 16. ^____^

pining over ucla, countdowns, children, books, texas, percy my baby wallaby, my brain's future, clothes, splurging

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