(no subject)

Oct 01, 2006 17:39

Why do we suppose it is that it's when I'm the most happy that I feel the least obligated to post and/or write in my journal? Maybe I think that if I think about it too much it'll go away.


I had a great weekend up in Salt Lake with my family. We went to Olive Garden when we got up there Friday night (a really fun time, including two free dinners, a very frazzled waitress, an attractive manager, and tiramisu to go), then hung out at my brother's house Saturday and Sunday, watched Conference, did a little shopping...oh, and had dinner at my soon-to-be-sister-in-law's grandmother's house. (The dinner was good and a pretty good time, but the wedding plans not so much. When it's my wedding, I'll be interested.) And of course all of this is generously sprinkled with the ridiculousness and hilarity that our family always manages to achieve.

Of course the best part (and a good portion of why I'm feeling so good tonight) was probably the blessing Dad gave me before we left Salt Lake. I really needed it. I really needed to be reassured that I can do this.

And, well, I can.
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