Drabbles, Batch 2!

May 21, 2006 21:53

Here are the next 5! Which means I have only five more to go...

For beloved_baka:
He looked at her…and in his face was something of exhaustion, something of relief, and something of regret. Introspective!Iori, 100 words.

He knew that people died in war, but some people weren’t allowed to die. In spite of his uncle’s death-and, perhaps, because of it-Iori believed that. People like his older brother, his father, his sisters. His sensei. Even his teammates.

When he woke up in the hospital after Nishiguchi, he’d dared to hope for just the briefest moment that his uncle would be there to meet him. He saw instead Sensei, and Takumi, and Chiharu, and was a little bit disappointed-but a little bit relieved.

Some people weren’t allowed to die.

Maybe Iori was one of them.


There was nothing she could do. You asked for Rin, but Kakashi refused to be left out (*petshugsandloveshimcauseheneedsit*). 100 words.

She couldn’t speak. She could barely move. And she could feel warmth flowing over her skin even as her limbs were going cold.

It was getting harder to breathe.

But something else was wrong, something was strange, something wasn’t as it should be-Kakashi was bending over her, his lips moving, but no sound emerged…

She was slow to realize that his mask was gone, and even slower to realize that tears were falling furiously over his features.

Only from one eye, though.

It seemed strange that Obito wasn’t crying.

But Kakashi was, and there was nothing she could do.


For phoenix_melody:
He looked at her, breathing hard, his skin streaked with sweat-and in his face was something of exhaustion, something of relief, and something of regret. Death Note, 100 words.

She was beautiful enough that he’d almost fallen for it.

Looking down at her body with a piece of notebook paper between his fingers, Light realized he was sweating. So much, in fact, that it was literally dripping from his nose and chin.

She was beautiful enough that it had taken him almost too long to notice the gun in her pocket.

It lay beside her now.

He felt surprise, for the last time, that the most unexpected people could turn out to be criminals.

He walked away, and every trace of human sympathy he’d ever possessed faded with her.


For Kilerkki:
Thankfully, there were not seven of him. Naruto from Kakashi’s pov, 100 words.

It always amazed Kakashi that so few words could have so...many consequences. But it made sense, in a way, that a child who had spent his whole life being feared and ignored would have an aptitude for replicating himself en masse. It was fitting, really. Naruto really did deserve to be noticed.

"Kage bunshin no jutsu!"

Kakashi felt a twinge every time he heard those words-a moment of familiar relief that he, at least, would personally never have to deal with more than one Naruto at a time.

Because one, after all, was so much more than enough.


And now for something completely different:

For orangeaddict:
“In here,” he said, motioning toward an open doorway. James/Helen, 100 words.

It felt like it had all happened before-milkshakes at the little diner, dinner at his friend’s restaurant, the way he said “in here” when he first showed her into his flat.

The way he kissed her, and the way it never got old.

And there was something about standing with him on her grandfather’s bridge in the rain that was very strange and very familiar and very new all at once.

In the cold London storm, she leaned against him and slipped her hands in his pockets.

One came out with a ring.

Helen blinked.

That was definitely new.


Hope you enjoy!

Oh, and my wisdom teeth come out tomorrow. It's a shame, really. We've had such a peaceful co-existence up til now.

And unfortunately, this is gonna hurt me a lot more than it hurts them.



jerks, wisdom teeth, fanfic, kakashi, rin, iori, naruto, angst, sliding doors, death note, drabbles

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