Jan 16, 2005 23:53
It's almost midnight and I should really be in bed sleeping until my child's cries wake me up for either a fresh nappy and/or a bit of midnight snack. But obviously I'm not...because the minute I snuggle down in bed and nicely enter that dream state where Anthony Kedis and I are sharing a nice cup of Lapsang tea in some great salon, she will wake up and want food! However if I patiently stay awake and wait for her to wake up for her mid-nightly bit of boob, Abi will sleep eight hours straight to prove some Murphy's law. So, I'm now up perusing various crafty projects on various blogs, getting all sorts of ideas of things to make. Only I'm realizing that I really don't have time to do some of these projects and I'm slightly kicking myself for wasting all that pre-baby time on stuff like TV when I really should have made the necktie skirt I have always wanted since Blossom was on the air.
After two and a half months Abi and her crib were moved out of our bedroom and into her own room. See, after the first week home from the hospital I decided that since I was going to be getting out of bed to nurse her every two hours for Gods only know how long I might as well find a way of making this easier on both her and I. The original plan had her in her crib and the crib pushed right up against my side of the bed, essentially giving us a "co-sleeper" concept, but, moving from the confines of mum's belly to the wide open spaces of a crib is a bit overwhelming for newborns and they get really pissy. The new plan was to have her sleep in her stroller beside the bed, oddly enough this worked, I guess it was a close enough space for her. The stroller was replaced with the nice woven bassinet my Aunt gave us as a shower prezzie. Eventually Abi found the Basinette too confining and was then moved back to her crib (which was still on my side of the bed) and the basinette has been converted to her toy box. So now that she is sleeping for about 5 to 6 hours straight at night and let's be frank nothing kills the thought of possibly having a Barry White moment faster than the knowledge that there is a baby in the room.
Maybe I should just go wake her up.....