Aug 11, 2003 19:20
I think my parents are starting to live the "Green Acres" life, as in hte TV show. If you don't know what I'm talking about then the following story will be lost on you.
It all started last wednesday and my parents were comming home from their weekly pub night and on the side of the driveway was a newborn calf. The herd was nearby and my parents figured that the mum was probably off eating and all was well. The following morning my parents were running late for work and my mum noticed that the herd had moved off and the calf was in the same spot. My father camne home at lunch to check on the "ladies" (as he like to call the cows), since a few more are due to deliver and saw this poor calf still in the same spot. Seeing as no one was going to claim her my dad figured that they were going to have to bottle feed her and off he went to town for formula. Friday my mum came home from work and went off to feed the as yet unnamed calf and noticed that she had developped a rather gross infection called scours (it develops really fast, like in an hour or two and can be fatal to a premature calf like this one), at this point my mum said "fuck this" and brought the calf into her house.
Yes you read right! My parents have a calf living in their mud room! Like I said only in my family!