Jun 18, 2008 12:58
My parents left Colorado on Saturday June 14 2008 @ 08:40hrs mountain time flight. They reach Singapore safely sometime @ about 00:15hrs June 16 2008 Singapore time. This time around, their trip was something a bitter sweet memory for me... personally...
My mum loves the house so much... though I cant deny she told me, the house is HUGE for us.. Duh... Its the only house that we could afford at that time... so we can start something more in the future... Insha Allah.
But I think way back when I was growing up when I have to live with 2 aunts, 1 uncle, my grandparents and parents, we are sharing the place @ Clover Way, near Bishan. That house I like... but its HUGE too for my standards... and I like the neighborhood... miss that place lots!!!
After my parents left, we were so tired from the 2 hectic weeks... from all the entertaining, shopping, travelling, and lots of less time to just relax and sleep. From 07:30hrs Saturday morning till noon, we took our well deserved nap. I let Sean sleep way further up to 15:00hrs that Saturday afternoon.
I was so much "crankier" since MOTHER NATURE were about to strike back... that time...
So last weekend, on Sunday both Sean & I decide just to chill @ home. We wanted to dine out and watch a movie... but I told Sean I wasnt feeling that well due to MOTHER NATURE STRIKE BACK and besides the restaurant and the movie shall always be there. Perhaps we just shall see what he thinks about this upcoming weekend... to just enjoy ourselves...
Then back to the norm routine, for us...enjoying our time, just the two of us. *Phew*!!!!
Yesterday I went climbing with Emilie. The climb was great. I always enjoyed my time climbing with Emilie. At least this time around it was just her and me. No interruptions, not in those big groups. Somehow, though I have known her for the past 1.5 years plus, I always enjoyed climbing with her. A good climbing partner who are willing to show you the ropes at all times.
Then later this evening another climbing session. This time with another group I join in town. The first time I met with this bunch of group was sometime in May 28 2008. So I shall see how things go....
ONE More month left for the CALI trip... so many things to do so little time!!! I am feeling more anxious and more excited for the Cali upcoming trip. I do hope we can finish doing all we need to be doing before this Cali trip. At least Sean has received his vacation time approved by his boss from work.
Arent sure when I will post the 2 hectic weeks of my parents and us time pictures... perhaps later in the following days + weeks... I hope..