Oct 22, 2006 18:55
Well, from now on, I'm going to go positive about my life. Lately I was feeling really sad, even if I acted happy and chirpy around my friends, I couldn't help thinking why I was having a really sucky life.
But now, I'm going to change!!!!!!!
About Jin, well yes, it's still sad that Jin will be gone for a while. But there's nothing we can do about it and as long as Jin is happy and paparazi-free I will be happy too. ^^
There's been rumors that Jin's going to Brazil and marrying the model. So what? I love Jin, and I want him to be happy. If I say that I'd be totally happy if Jin got married, that would be lying...big time. But if I think about it, a 22 year old guy who's totally good-looking, can sing, dance, be adorable at his age....it's unnormal NOT to have a girlfriend. And people have been marrying at an early age alot lately. And there's another rumor that Jin's going out with a 14 year old and the model rumor is just to hide that. Well in this case, I'd be happy because I'm a 14 year old and that means even I MIGHT HAVE A CHANCE WITH HIM!!!!^^ So that makes me happy. lol
But to tell the truth, I AM his fan.....I don't really want to think about him getting married or having a girlfriend. So please, can we just stop with the rumors and leave him alone?