New Years Resolutions / Goals / Plans

Jan 02, 2008 12:07

So, last year was a great year for me. At the beginning of the year I made a few goals that I wanted to accomplish. I was able to meet most of the goals. I wasn't able to get my back tuck back, nor was I actually in 2 filmings. I started to work on my back tuck, but then the opera came by and I didn't dare risk it. And with the Opera and 48 hour film project, I got to be on stage and behind the camera...though not in front of it. I was in the Heuk Choo Kwan beginning techniques video, so I could kind of count that, though I really only want to count true stunt work / acting.

Resolutions / Goals / Plans for the upcoming year.

I am making these because it helps me keep on track. By pushing towards my goals I don't feel like I'm just kind of floating along in life as I was for many years.

1. Stunt School, this is a must for this year. It is going to be the last couple of weeks in July, and the first week in August. I will easily have the money by then if I don't do something stupid financially.

2. More acting. Last year I was behind the camera once, in front of it once, on stage once, modeled once, and did one audition (which I didn't get). So, I want to do more. I already have one on stage gig lined up with the opera, and one commercial lined up with Diane. So, that meets everything acting wise from last year except for the audition, and that will be all done by March. I am going to be taking some modeling credit for doing some work with Lastwear at some point, as they want me to model some clothes and have me go around Sakuracon in an Amber Guard outfit. Unfortunatly none of this gives me any monetary payment, though I will get some free opera tickets and clothes.

3. Head Shots. I want to get some head shots done this year, hopefully before the summer. I will need them for doing autidions.

4. Getting into shape. This is probably the lamest of my resolutions as everyone resolves to get into shape, but mine is not ordinary. With the field that I plan to go into, I have to be in top shape. I am pretty good now, and many people have said that they could be where I am. The fact is that where I am is a far cry from where I need to be. I am not concerned about weight, I am concerned about shape. I am going to try and discipline myself to do even an extra 15-30 minutes of excercises when I get home at night. My goal is to be down to a defined torso by summer, 5-6 months is easily doable.

5. Eat Better. This goes in conjuntion with the previous goal. I want to try to start eating more pure veggie meals, and breakfast. I never eat breakfast, and I know that is very bad. I know several easy ways to rectify this, I just need to do them.

I may come up with more, but this will have to be a good start.

new year, goals

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