Pico ends...and now for EvMoWriMo

Dec 05, 2006 14:43

So PicoWriMo is over but things have morphed into a monthly challenge where we set our own goals and try to keep them. Anything to KEEP ME WRITING is most welcome because the way things have been lately, I just brush it off because I'm so tired and I don't like that. It maketh me twitch.

So, here are my goals for December (and feel free to bug me throughout the month to see how I'm doing :D)

Goals for December:

1) Finish the story I was working on during Pico. I can feel the end nearing and I'd really like to be typing it all up/editing by January. At the very LEAST I want to write 170 words a day on it.

2) Write a short Faramir drabble-type-thingy.

3) Write a short Remus/Tonks Christmas fic.


writing, fanfic

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