Title: Twisted [2/2] (previously titled: Paradoxical Infatuation)
Paring: Mohinder/Sylar, with a tiny side of Peter.
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: Season 1
Warnings: Dub-con, non-con, some language, mild violence, a touch of mind-fuckery. This is not a happy fic.
Word Count: 6545
Summary: AU. Mohinder attempts to deal with his new circumstances as
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Comments 44
That's just so evil and cruel and just totally perfect and wrong and I can't think right now.
So good. Hee! *adds to favourites*
God, yes, evil and cruel and wrong. lol, it still scares me that I'm able to write stuff like this. O.o
Anyway, happy to hear you enjoyed it.
-and favourited? *squees*
This is NOT a happy fic, yet it made me extremely happy. I loved this - the concept, the smut, it was really really hot.
But I'll just pick out a couple lines that stood out to me, if you don't mind. ^_^
Driving a cab in New York was a lot more dangerous than Nirand ever could have imagined. I loved this for some reason. I guess cuz you took an off-hand comment from the show and worked it in. Nice!
And this: "You don’t seriously expect me to keep wearing Taylor’s band shirts?" Sylar would totally call him by his last name, he would!
...making soft little shushing sounds while planting gentle kisses to his back and shoulder blades that under any other circumstances would have seemed tender and comforting, but now seemed only a mockery. I worshiped this sentence a little.
Great job! And, yeah, revisiting this 'verse wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.
YAY! It was very hard for me to write something so... evil. So I'm really glad it worked!
I loved this for some reason. I guess cuz you took an off-hand comment from the show and worked it in. Nice!
*giggles* It popped into my head and I couldn't resist!
I worshiped this sentence a little.
Worshiped? O.o Cooool!
Great job! And, yeah, revisiting this 'verse wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.
*grins* The plotbunny for another part is definitely incubating in my head.
It flowed so well and I was completely drawn in. (I sometimes find my mind trailing back to the first part of this fic. Such lovely thoughts)
You write these characters so wonderfully...they're sexy, vulnerable, true...guh!
I was really in love with the image of Mohinder putting his hand on Sylar's wrist, and Sylar not throwing him off...it was so...intimate, and pleading.
There's a zillion more things I could say about how awesome this fic was...unfortunately (or fortunately) my brain is still buzzing from the aweomeness...and I can't bring myself to be too analytical...
cheers here's to this lovely fic!
I was really in love with the image of Mohinder putting his hand on Sylar's wrist, and Sylar not throwing him off...it was so...intimate, and pleading.
I saw that really clearly in my head. It was such a pivotal moment, I'm so glad it came across so well.
There's a zillion more things I could say about how awesome this fic was...unfortunately (or fortunately) my brain is still buzzing from the aweomeness...and I can't bring myself to be too analytical...
I adore detailed comment, 'tis true. But I also love rendering people speechless/incoherent etc. So, *grins* awesome. ^_^
Don't. stop.
Don't stop writing? Don't stop with this verse? Or was that directed at the sexiness that is Sy and Mo?
*giggles* Thanks for commenting! ^_~
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