Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
Brain Storm (PG-13)
Gen/Het: Billy/Penny
The voice in his head sounds just like Penny; sweet and harsh all at the same time.
Heroes - Mohinder/Sylar
A Rude Reality (R)
A remix of
A Polite Fiction by
perdiccas for
Sylar can reassure himself with the knowledge that Mohinder feels this connection too, and is just as confused and frustrated by it. Unfortunately, whereas Sylar wants to explore it, figure it out, Mohinder would like to pretend it doesn’t exist.
Blood on the Sheets (PG-13)
Mohinder tries to take that decisive step and end the madness.
Bound by Blood (R)
Though Sylar had yet to decide what, exactly, should be done with Mohinder Suresh, his death at the hands of another was unacceptable. Mohinder becoming a vampire, on the other hand, was just damn confusing.
Day One (PG-13)
Mohinder discovers the truth, and the world is no longer the same place.
I Love You Man (PG-13)
Mohinder runs into Sylar in a bar. A very drunk Sylar.
Pretty When You Lie (NC-17) - Co-written with
ladywilde80PWP - It's been six months since they last met.
S&M (PG-13)
After a night of drinking, Mohinder wakes to an unpleasant surprise.
Silence and Denial (PG-13)
After a botched rescue attempt, Mohinder and Sylar are trapped in a very small room with the oxygen rapidly running out; and, much to Mohinder's annoyance, Sylar is feeling talkative.
Thank You (NC-17)
PWP - Sylar is very happy to have his abilities returned to him.
The Weakness Trilogy (PG-13)
Mohinder has been brought to the Company for his own safety, and Sylar can't just sit idly by.
Supporting Cast: Noah Bennet, Angela Petrelli
Part 1 - Achilles' Heel,
Part 2 - Lifted Haze,
Part 3 - Momentum Twisted (NC-17) [non-con]
What if Sylar had taken Eden's ability?
Part 1,
Part 2 Understanding (R/NC-17) [WIP - 14/17]
Immediately Post Season 2 - [Summary forthcoming]
Supporting Cast: Ensemble, with emphasis on Peter and eventually Adam.
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3,
Part 4,
Part 5,
Part 6,
Part 7,
Part 8,
Part 9,
Part 10,
Part 11,
Part 12,
Part 13,
Part 14 Unexpected (PG-13)
Road Trip Fic - Mohinder and Sylar's car breaks down on the way to Montana.
What's Necessary (PG-13)
Cracky - Sylar tries to take that last step towards a new life.
Supporting Cast: Peter
Drabbles (< 500 words)
Disguised Guilt (R)
Drowning (G)
Impossible (PG-13)
Pink Vengeance (G)
The Game (PG-13)
What's in a Name? (G)
Why? (PG)
Heroes - Other
Elle Hates the Spring (PG)
Gen: Elle
An Elle character study, of sorts.
Eternity is a Long Time to Spend Alone (R)
Claire, Peter, Adam, Sylar, Lyle - Claire/Adam and Peter/Sylar
Three moments in time, exploring what it's like to live forever.
Indecent (PG-13)
Gen/Het: Elle/Mohinder
Mohinder is partnered with Elle again, and that means trouble.
Mortality (PG)
Mohinder contemplates old age.
Out of the Ashes (PG-13)
Gen: Mohinder, Peter, Sylar
It had to be done.
Resonance (R)
Peter-centric Peter/Sylar, ensemble
Peter tries to pull himself back together, but he's starting to realize that there's more to being an Empath than he first thought.
Off Balance (PG-13)
House/Wilson (Friendship)
Drabble for the prompt 'I See Dead People'
Comfort (PG)
Drabble for the prompt 'holding hands.'
Massage (PG-13)
Ianto gives Jack a massage.
Broken Toys (PG-13)
Drabble for the prompt 'blank.'