Understanding [11/?]

Feb 10, 2008 21:57

Title: Understanding [11/?] - The Plan
Rating: NC-17 overall

Pairing/Characters: Mohinder/Sylar, Ensemble

Spoilers: Seasons 1 & 2, and some of the online comics.
Warnings: Some possibly, vaguely disturbing imagery surrounding being buried alive. A little language, vague references to past m/m sex and murderous intentions. Nothing major.

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pairing: mohinder/sylar, fandom: heroes, story: understanding, character: sylar, character: mohinder suresh

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levitatethis February 11 2008, 17:56:12 UTC
Love it!

You mentioned at the start being intimidated about writing Bennet and that much dialogue and I have to tell you you've done an excellent job. The tension in that opening scene between Mohinder and Bennet is incredible and feels very real. I love the air of arrogance that your Bennet still has because that's something I've felt very strongly from him on the show towards those around him. On the one hand he's right that he knows more about the underworkings of The Company than most, on the other hand he can be incredibly judgemental (unfairly so) of those who don't understand where he's coming from...in this case (and on the show recently) it's Mohinder.

I like the explanation you have Mohinder give for why he's seemed to go back and forth on working with The Company. His reasons make so much sense...and he's right, what he's done for Molly Bennet would totally do for Claire.

I keep forgetting that if Peter just met Molly he could then do the tracking instead of her life being the only one on the line for it...let him shoulder the devastation of tracking down a serial killer instead of the child. And it totally fits in with this story!

Sylar on the plane is amusing...as much as he's focused on his revenge list he, as usual, can get distracted by thoughts of Mohinder. Love the taking of Mohinder's satchel as both a gameplay (messing with Mohinder's mind) and an unspoken memento, b/c really...it's a piece of Mohinder he can carry with him.

Oh my...and Adam at the end! Your cliffhangers kill me! I'm way too anxious for the next part now.


neshel February 12 2008, 17:56:15 UTC
You mentioned at the start being intimidated about writing Bennet and that much dialogue and I have to tell you you've done an excellent job.
^_^ Thank you!!

I like the explanation you have Mohinder give for why he's seemed to go back and forth on working with The Company. His reasons make so much sense...and he's right, what he's done for Molly Bennet would totally do for Claire.
mmmm, it just seemed the natural explanation for me. Glad it makes sense to you too.

Sylar on the plane is amusing...as much as he's focused on his revenge list he, as usual, can get distracted by thoughts of Mohinder.
Mohinder pwns all other thoughts. ^_^

Oh my...and Adam at the end! Your cliffhangers kill me! I'm way too anxious for the next part now.
*rubs hands together evilly*


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