Title of book(s) read since last update:
The Little Book of Revenge: An Anthology of Just Deserts (no seriously the title says deserts not desserts. typo? or on purpose?) FINISHED 64 pages
Nightlight: a parody (of Twilight) incomplete 98 pages out of 154
Thoughts on current read or finished read(s):
Nightlight is pretty darn funny. I admit it I've read and liked Twilight (it's CRACK! I know it's no good and it's bad for me, but I couldn't put the damm thing down and I just kept going back over and over again and then after I was hooked I pushed it on all my friends who were then hooked as well... like I said crack), but I can see the problems with it (bad writing yet addicting) so this paraody is pretty darn funny. Thank you
Number of books read since you started: 7 finished and 1 abandoned and 1 incomplete
Pages read since last update: 162
Running total of pages read since you started: 794
Amount of time spent reading since last update: 1 hour and half
Running total of time spent reading since you started: 14 hours
Mini-challenges completed: 4
Other participants you’ve visited (running list from start to finish:
lovelifehttp://justaddbooks.blogspot.com/http://www.midnightbookgirl.blogspot.com/http://thebookladysblog.com/http://bookcation.blogspot.comhttp://findthetimetoread.net/http://lindseysparks.blogspot.com/ I think I'm going to fail soon. Eyes are burning. If you live in my area of Texas you probably know how bad the pollen in the air is right now (my car is so covered in really thick yellow pollen couldn't even see out the window on Fri) and how bad everyone's allergies are. Reading all day plus allergies? Yeah no good.