Title: In a Common Rhythm
Author: Tiamat’s Child
Fandom: Transformers G1
Word Count: 4324
Rating: K+
Characters/Pairing: First Aid/Rodimus Prime
Summary: First Aid and Rodimus Prime ask things of each other.
Warnings: None.
Notes: This is loosely related to
Succession Crises, but is not a direct sequel.
In a Common Rhythm )
Oh Metroplex! All beautiful and mindful and both gregarious and meditative and quiet at the same time! Permeable! Line between inside and out blurred! <333333333333333333333333333333333333
And then in comes Rodimus, careful about rounding corners as he's had to learn to be aaaaaa.....
Different sizes flirting! Eeee! Only not meaning to, but...
Aaaaand Roddy's a snoop. Still. XD
Multitasking Aid multitasks!
All of Aid's little self-management tricks! <333 And as usual the little interactions, the gestural way you portray the dynamics of emotions! Eee!
And the careful, aching, tender easing toward what they want/need to talk about~~~~~~~ ;_; <333333
Heehee, yes ambulances are often heavy... ;D
Blades: INORIGHT! Oof!
Haha dating! Do inventory then eat. ......Okay but that does sound fun. XD And relaxing. (◡‿◡✿) Satisfying, though in a slightly different way than helping your friends cut down seven v large oleanders and then having pizza. :D
yaaay I'm so glad you like the Metroplex bit! He and First Aid seem so close in Ultimate Weapon - *hands* He's easy to wax poetic about.
First Aid would TOTALLY flirt with Roddy that way if he you know, thought it would end any other way than a freaked out unhappy Roddy.
ha! Blades jokes, but if he picked First Aid up and First Aid were NOT sufficiently heavy, he would throw a fit that would put the broodiest of mother hens to shame! Have you been cannibalizing your redundant systems without replacing them??!? WHY didn't you ask US?!!!? Hoooooot Spoooooot!!!! (I personally believe that all the Protectobots are heavier than would otherwise be expected from their frame and size, because while none of them have as much as First Aid, they're all built extra redundant in case First Aid needs to grab bits and pieces. Defensor falling on you is a bad bad thing.)
:D :D :D I think it sounds really nice too! I think Roddy's problem is not so much the activities in question - I suspect that's pretty normal for a date between Autobots, except usually there'd be more time for snuggles and possibly heavy petting - as that the way he sees it he turned up and made First Aid take care of him, and that does not seem right to him. That's not much of a date, that's not mutual, that's not right. But I couldn't get him to explain that in story, at least not fully.
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