...Is that you can finally understand and articulate what really made you furious in the first place.
In the case of William Saleteen's articles for Slate, it's his blithe presumption that his audience is exclusively white. It's all through his text - anyone who isn't white is an object of discussion, not a possible engager in discussion.
I'm phrasing this poorly, but it's there, and it's what made me really furious.
Being that angry, all I could think to do at the time was refute his major, essay invalidating factual inaccuracy. But the presumption of audience is important too. Possibly even more so.
(This is a sort of follow up to
this post.)
(And now I worry that I do this. Dangit. I'll have to watch that. Please call me on it if you ever notice me doing it, I will be forever grateful.)