Aug 27, 2009 12:12
So Newbury Comics called - not one thing they wanted. Which is BULLSHIT. I'm sure they'll give me some spiel about "not in good condition" and "scratches" but I went through the disks yesterday and with one or two exceptions they were great. The covers were great, the albums were great. And there were several in there that I'm sure people want. Not ME people but some.
Well then Newbury Comics - Thanks but no thanks. I will give the stuff I don't feel like dealing with to Got Books. In fact, I don't really see why I'd need to ever go in there again, for anything. Their used stuff is overpriced, and let's not even discuss the new stuff. I'll buy CDs from bands, rent DVDs, and that's it.
I think I'm going to run over before the office just to get it out of the way. I'm kinda angry about it. Fucking hipsters and their lack of taste. I might REadd some of these to the keeper pile, since I only wanted to sell them because I THOUGHT they were worth trying.
I swear, if the good reuseable bag I took them over in is gone, which I'm PRETTY SURE it will be, I will hurt something.