Officially ending Hiatus. And ficlets. Can't forget the ficlets.

Jan 08, 2012 21:15

I know it's been a long, long time and I have made brief posts previously but I've finally cleared most of the hurdles in my life and I'm back. In black. I hit the sack. I've been too long I'm glad to be back. :D

Made a challenge to okamichan in chat last night. Basically to try to bring our muses back to life. We would prompt each other with a character and a prompt and the other would write a brief ficlet on it.

These are mine. I had to share. :D


Bluestreak calmly loaded the rifle, looking dispassionately over the battlefield. He raised it, sighted and slowly squeezed the trigger. "Acid pellet in the corner pocket, fragger." Those Decepticon slagheaps were going to pay for killing Prowl.

Jazz/Sideswipe/Any/Bucket of Bolts

"Check this out! Triple bank, over the bench, corner pocket!"


"Not bad. This is better. Floor, ceiling, double bank, side pocket!"


"Sweet shot dude! Now... oh hi Prowl, Ratchet!"

"Jazz, Sideswipe, what are you doing?"

"Not much, just playing with a bucket of bolts."

"Sorry I asked."

"Okay, where were we... Oh yeah! Quadruple bounce, back bank, forward pocket!"


Prowl sighed and rubbed his forehead, a human gesture he'd picked up and found useful for trying to hold back logic lock ups. It wasn't so much adjusting to this new world with this strange alien race and their bizarre customs. It wasn't even the fact that none of them had programming or training for this type of situation, save perhaps Hound. It was trying to have everyone adjust their programming and skills to survive on this new world. How were two Guardians, two Scientists, one Communicator, two Arena Champions, one Courier, one former-Explorer and one Artisan supposed to work together and form a cohesive Guild? One that was self-supporting and not dependent on alien aid? His tactical computers ached trying to calculate a solution. The adjustments everyone were going to have to make would be massive.

Starscream/Skyfire/Blue Skies

Skyfire flew his regular patrol route. He sighed. Not a bird or cloud or anything to break up the deep blue monotony. He didn't even have a patrol partner to chat with; the last battle had been hard on the Autobot fliers.

Just when he had begun to think he'd perish of boredom, thinking longingly of his lab and the experiments he had running, a silver bolt out of the blue stung him with a low power null blast.

Unable to hold back his cry of shock and pain, Skyfire lost a few thousand feet of altitude before catching himself and soaring up after the chortling jet.

"How is it you can fly hundreds of light years without losing concentration, yet a few miles of blue skies always undoes you?" Starscream taunted.

Skyfire snorted. "Primus only knows. Now, are we going to fight or are you going to talk me to death?"

Starscream only laughed and increased speed, disappearing into the distance.

Skyfire's still partially numbed systems couldn't accelerate to pursue. Starscream was confusing as ever but in this case, Skyfire guessed that he was bored too.


Hound sighed as he looked into the lab. There he was, sitting on the desk in alt form, one cable hooked into the desk AI, compiling the data and notes.

"Come on Perceptor. Time for refueling and recharge. Save some discoveries for tomorrow!" Hound called.

"Of course, I will be there momentarily, Hound. I just need to complete this analysis of the cellular structure of this bacteria. Most fascinating!" Perceptor responded but it was clear, his mind was still on his research.

Hound sighed and jumped onto the desk, unplugged a protesting Perceptor and tucked him under his arm in alt mode. "Let's go! Doctor's orders. You can cure the common cold tomorrow."


"Please! Optimus Prime! I surrender! Show me some mercy! You are supposed to be the most compassionate bot in the universe! Spare a little of that for your poor defeated foe!" Starscream wailed.

Optimus Prime slowly shook his head. "You Starscream, a Decepticon without a shred of mercy, stand here and plead with me for it? I thought you'd be made of sterner stuff. And Starscream, it is only a board game. Rematch?"

And a little bit of semi-smut I did for ladydragon76,

Golden plating shivered under the firm, sure strokes of the polishing cloth. Sunstreaker had mentally clamped down on his vocalizer but he couldn't stop the shivers.

"Gawd damn, is he trembling? Dammit, he is! Tell me he's not getting off on this?" The tall blond man looked up from polishing the yellow Viper in dismay. Sunstreaker opened his passenger door to nudge him into continuing.

"Shut up, I don't want to know." His brother-in-law, Brad paused to glare over at his wife and sister as they sat comfortably on the lap of the red Viper. The trio just grinned brightly back at him. Sunstreaker nudged him with his driver's door. "Stop that! Jay-sus!"

"Make sure you are extra careful around his tail lights. He's a bit ticklish there. And don't forget his under carriage!" Gwen gleefully reminded them. Sunstreaker could hear them grumbling unkindly in response, but he didn't really care as long as they kept polishing.

"Just wait until they start cleaning his exhaust pipe. They'll really see him get off then!" Sideswipe added helpfully.

"Just keep quiet and let's finish," Brad grumbled. "I warned you not to make that bet with Gwen and definitely don't include me. She cheats. You're doing the exhaust."

Sunstreaker chuckled at the low cursing, then moaned out loud at the soft brushing along his tail pipe. Life was good.
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